CS371p Fall 2020: Amit Samuel
What did you do this past week?
This past week started off with me on a plane back to Dallas from Savannah, where I visited my girlfriend. The remainder of the week I worked on my Modern Web applications assignment, and was able to finish it within a few days. Other than that, I’ve been doing smaller assignments periodically through out class.
What’s in your way?
Nothing really was in my way today. I was able to work in my usual desk set up and be as efficient as I want to be.
What will you do next week?
Next week will be spent studying for the many exams I have the following week. I have a Modern Web Apps exam next Friday. I have the OOP exam the following Monday, and I have an Ethics in Computer Sciecne exam the following Tuesday. So 3 exam days in a row won’t be fun.
If you read it, what did you think of Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?
I thought all the things women have to deal with on a daily basis were just atrocious. No one should have to spend the workday being physical or emotionally harrassed. I was also disgusted at how common it is in the world. A lot of times, as a man that has never seen these occurances first hand, you don’t realize how severely women are being affected by sexism and harrasmant on a daily basis. You also don’t realize how many of your male co-workers are actually committing these acts either.
What was your experience of arrays, equal(), and iterators? (this question will vary, week to week)
I have quite a bit of experience with both these topics. The lectures have been a good refresher and a good introduction to how to effectively use them in C++
What made you happy this week?
The NBA Finals started this week and I’m glad I get to watch it with my family. I look forward to every game.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick of the week would be the python module flask. I didn’t realize how accessible it is to create your own web application and run it from your own machine. Using flask has taught me a ton about how you are able to access and query for data on any website. It is really amazing getting to be in the weeds of how it all happens.